Don Hertig is Kings Park Concert Band “Composer-in-Residence” and featured artist on alto saxophone. As a native of Miami, Florida, Don has been composing, along with playing saxophone and clarinet, for the past 36 years. Don studied music at the University of Florida, but actually ended up with his Bachelor’s degree in Business Finance in 1979. In addition to the Kings Park Concert Band, Don performs with the Vienna Community Band and the National Medical Musical Group Chorale and Symphony Orchestra.

Aside from his music, Don received his Master’s in Economics in 1991 and subsequently retired from the U.S. Navy in 2002. He is now serving as the Deputy Chief Financial Officer for the Executive Office of the President of the United States. In addition to his many interests, Don’s greatest passion is his involvement in biblical research and teaching.

Don Hertig

Resident Composer

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Founded in 1965
Rich Bergman
Music Director